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Studs interviews three Cook County Hospital doctors: Dr. Tessa Fischer Dr. Mark Bonnell Dr. David Moore Main topic of conversation is the 18-day residents and interns strike at Cook County Hospital, Chicago, October-November 1975. At the time it was the longest doctors’ strike in U.S. history. Topics include: Patient care, benefits and wages, and working conditions. The distinction is made between a "strike" and what the doctors call a "job action".
Studs Terkel interviews two representatives from Abbott Laboratories: Richard Kasperson, V.P. of corporate regulatory affairs, and Dr. Robert Janicki, V.P. of corporate clinical research. The topic of conversation is the prescribed use of Cylert, which was a trade name for the drug Pemoline. Cylert was used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Janicki and Kasperson respond to claims that the drug was overprescribed to school-aged children.
Studs discusses dreams, consciousness and computers with psychologist, computer scientist, and author Dr. Christopher Evans. Topics of conversation include the need for humans to dream, contemporary research on sleep and rest, and computer technology. Dr. Evans draws analogies between the behavior of the sleeping and dreaming human brain and the functions of modern computers.
Child psychiatrist and educator Rudolf Dreikurs discusses his book "Social Equality and the Challenge of Today," Part 2 of 2.
Child psychiatrist and educator Rudolf Dreikurs discusses his book "Social Equality and the Challenge of Today," Part 1 of 2. The discussion focuses on child psychiatry and human misbehavior.
Content Warning: This conversation has the presence of outdated, biased, offensive language. Rather than remove this content, we present it in the context of twentieth-century social history to acknowledge and learn from its impact and to inspire awareness and discussion. Scottish psychiatrist and author R.D. Laing covers his latest outlook on the ideology of madness, with a specific focus on schizophrenia.
Three psychiatrists discuss mental health in urban and rural areas and a documentary that points out emerging issues.
Philip Hilts, an author and journalist, discusses behavior modification and it advantages and dangers. He delves into B. F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov's work and explains how behavior modification is used today. Hilts discusses cases used in prisons, schools, and workplaces. Hilts also talks about typical medications given to children who are said to experience hyperactivity.
Discussing nuclear armageddon and the medical consequences of nuclear war with panel Herbert Scoville, George Kistiakowsky, Dr. Jack Geiger and Dr. Quentin Young.
Discussing the book "An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales" (published by Knopf) with the author, neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks.
Dr. Oliver W. Sacks talks about the treatment of deaf people throughout history and the development of ASL as written in his book "Seeing Voices".
Discussing the book "Seeing Voices: A Journey Into the World of the Deaf" (published by University of California Press) with the author, neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks. Includes passage from the book.
Dr. Oliver W. Sacks discusses people and concepts presented in his book "Seeing Voices"; the interview is for the paperback release.
Naomi Glasser talks about her book "What Are You Doing: How People Are Helped Through Reality Therapy," by discussing cases where reality therapy has worked on patients with selective mutism, depression, relationship problems, and mental illnesses.