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Showing 46 - 60 of 76 results
Discussing the book "Shannon" with the author Gordon Parks.
Independent film director, writer, and producer Gary W. DeWalt discusses the film “Genbaku-Shi: Killed by the Atomic Bomb” and the U.S. citizens who died along with the Japanese in Hiroshima. Corky Siegel performs "Southwest Coast Blues (1980)" in the studio.
Garson Kanin discusses his book "Hollywood: Stars and Starlets, Tycoons, Moviemakers, Frauds, Hopefuls, Great Lovers", published in 1967.
Filmmaker Jacques Tati and Studs discuss finding the humor in everyday life and people becoming their gadgets. The two also go in-depth about Tati's film "Mon Oncle" and the development of the character Monsieur Hulot.
Discussing public welfare and interviewing Frederick Wiseman, director of the documentary film, "Welfare."
Discussing the making of film documentaries with Fred Wiseman, especially his film, "Juvenile Court." Includes excerpts of the sound track from a juvenile detention center in Memphis, Tennessee.
Studs Terkel plays interview clips of actors [Marcello Mastroianni and Alain Cuny] and the director Federico Fellini discussing their film "La Dolce Vita" and the character Steiner. At the beginning of the program Studs Terkel interviews Nelson Algren, a writer, and Mario Devecki (a person who made the film "La Dolce Vita" happen) about La Dolce Vita and Steiner.
Discussing the validity and truthfulness of the film documentary "Cinema Verite" and can it, ought it compete with current affairs TV? What sort of filmmaking is important, or useful, and for what reasons. What about entertainment films? with film maker Marcel Ophuls.
Discussing the film "Pretty baby" with Louis Malle.
In making this film, Lanzmann interviewed death-camp survivors and Nazi functionaries.
Discussing the book "Hollywood" and interviewing the author Garson Kanin.