Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Reading "Report from an English Village" and interviewing the author Ronald Blythe while Studs was in London.
Ninety five miles outside of London, Ronald Blythe has interviewed residents of the village of Akenfield for his next book, "Akenfield: A Portrait of an English Village." Blythe said what surprised him most of all was that newspapers and TV didn't have much effect on this little village. Blythe also learned that the village people would take part in political conversations with one another but they'd never let on as to which political party they were apart of.
Peter Lyon discusses the book "Success Story: The Life and Times of S. S. McClure." Includes recitation of "Immortality" by William Jennings Bryan.
Discussing the book "Angry middle-aged man" with Pat Watters.
Michael J. Arlen discusses his book Thirty Seconds, published in 1980. He goes on to discuss the advertising agencies and the work that goes into a television commercial. Rebroadcast.*Please note: some sections have been edited out from the original recording due to copyright considerations
An interview with teacher and lecturer, Juliet Mitchell, who is a Marxist. She shares her support for the women's movement and talks about issues that affect women especially gender inequality. Juliet also refers to some comparisons between British and American women's movement.
Discussing her travels to Greece and her book "Forever Old, Forever New" with the author Emily Kimbrough.
British writer and journalist, Anthony Sampson discusses his book, "The Sovereign State of ITT". Mr Sampson converses with Studs about the book, the ITT(International Telephone and Telegraph) Corporation and the weakening of the authority of traditional national governments by the multinational corporations/conglomerates. Mr Sampson, speaks in-depth about Harold Geneen the President CEO of ITT, and his involvement in collusion with the GOP and Richard Nixon to avoid an anti-trust lawsuit with large campaign contributions.