Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Win Stracke, Bill Adelman, and Bill Neebe discusses the Haymarket Riot and the following trials and hangings which changed the labor movement around the world. The group discusses the American labor movement and police brutality that led to the protest and the eventual accusal of eight men. They also explore the roles George Pullman, Marshall Field, and the police force played and how they used the protest to weed out union leaders they did not like. The group briefly discusses the future of the labor movement.
Studs Terkel speaks with writer William Serrin about the United Auto Workers, various strikes in history, and Serrin’s book “The Company and the Union.” Audio clips of auto workers are played where the interviewees discuss strikes and working conditions. Serrin reads an excerpt from his book. The song “Gonna Roll the Union On” is played.
Discussing the book "Homestead: The Glory and Tragedy of an American Steel Town" (published by Times Books) with the author, journalist William Serrin.
Vivian Adams discusses the reasons behind the Mormon Church's stance against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). The discussion includes the beliefs of the Church regarding the roles of men and women, as well as the history and music of the Mormon Church.
While on a trip to England, Terkel interviews housewife Ann Davis. This is an interview done in two parts.
Interviewing Tony Kujala and Billy Crowe.
The owner of the pool hall, Henry Chase, talks about how he was once a fisherman with 18 boats. With only a 6th grade education, Chase went straight into working at the mines and then into fishing. Chase explained it would be impossible to make a living from the Ohio river with fishing now. The 19-year-old man said he was a set-up man in a factory and he hoped to become an electrician one day. He explained that he's heard both good and bad things about Henry Chase.
Dorothy Andrers, Berlene Bernette, and Fay Williams talk about the rapid and repetitive work they do inspecting Hanes tee shirts. Without a union to protect them, the women said they are treated like animals. They all suffer from tendonitis but the company refuses to acknowledge that their suffering is from work on the job.
Interviewing with the very "Upper U" girl at the establishment (Part 1) while Studs was in England.
Presenting an award-winning summary program of "Hard Times: an oral history of the great depression" series 1971-72: "A gathering of survivors" (part two) with Jim Sheridan, Pauline Kael, Emma Tiller, Frank Czerwonka, Cesar Chavez, William Benton, Sidney Weinberg. Chapter 12.
Presenting an award-winning summary program of "Hard Times: an oral history of the great depression" series 1971-72: "A gathering of survivors" (part two) with Jim Sheridan, Pauline Kael, Emma Tiller, Frank Czerwonka, Cesar Chavez, William Benton, Sidney Weinberg. Chapter 12.
Presenting an award-winning summary program of "Hard Times: an oral history of the great depression" series 1971-72: "A gathering of survivors" (part two) with Jim Sheridan, Pauline Kael, Emma Tiller, Frank Czerwonka, Cesar Chavez, William Benton, Sidney Weinberg. Chapter 12.
Presenting "A gathering of survivors" an award winning summary program of "Hard Times" the radio series.
Presenting "Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression" Chapter 9: God Bless the Child. In this section, interviewees are children that grew up during the Great Depression they talk about their experiences. Jane Yoder and her son Tom Yoder discuss the shame that can accompany poverty and the importance of warmth and food over all else. Bob Leary is a cab driver that talks about his father's lack of self-confidence even when able to find work. Daisy Singer remembers the need to keep up appearances.